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Rego is hard to write, and even harder to read. Really is policy-as-code, for humans.

GCP Database Network Config


checkRequireSSLEnabled[] {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]
  not setting.ip_configuration
} {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]  
  ip_configuration = setting.ip_configuration[_]
  not ip_configuration.require_ssl
} {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]  
  ip_configuration = setting.ip_configuration[_]
  ip_configuration.require_ssl == false

checkNoPublicAccess[] {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]
  count(setting.ip_configuration) > 0
  ip_configuration = setting.ip_configuration[_]
  count(ip_configuration.authorized_networks) > 0
  authorized_network = ip_configuration.authorized_networks[_]
  authorized_network.value == ""


GUARDRAIL "GCP database network config"
  WHEN google_sql_database_instance
    REQUIRE settings.ip_configuration HAS
      require_ssl = true
      NO authorized_networks.value = ""

Detailed Monitoring for AWS EC2


package accurics

{{.prefix}}detailedMonitoringEnabledInstance[] {
    instance := input.aws_instance[_]
    object.get(instance.config, "monitoring", "undefined") == "undefined"

{{.prefix}}detailedMonitoringEnabledInstance[] {
    instance := input.aws_instance[_]
    instance.config.monitoring != true


GUARDRAIL "EC2 instance has detailed monitoring enabled"
  WHEN aws_instance
    REQUIRE detailed_monitoring_enabled = true

Disallow ACLs for AWS S3


package terraform

import input.tfplan as tfplan

allowed_acls = ["private"]
allowed_sse_algorithms = ["aws:kms", "AES256"]

s3_buckets[r] {
    r := tfplan.resource_changes[_]
    r.type == "aws_s3_bucket"

array_contains(arr, elem) {
  arr[_] = elem

# Rule to restrict S3 bucket ACLs
deny[reason] {
    r := s3_buckets[_]
    not array_contains(allowed_acls, r.change.after.acl)
    reason := sprintf(
        "%s: ACL %q is not allowed",
        [r.address, r.change.after.acl]


GUARDRAIL "Require private acl"
  WHEN aws_s3_bucket
    REQUIRE acl = "private"

Require encryption for GCP compute instance disks


package rules.tf_google_compute_disk_encryption

import data.fugue

resource_type := "MULTIPLE"

compute_instances = fugue.resources("google_compute_instance")

base_message = "The following disks attached to this instance are not encrypted with a CSEK: %s"

encrypted(disk) {
  disk.disk_encryption_key_sha256 != ""
} {
  disk.disk_encryption_key_raw != ""

extract_unencrypted_disks(compute_instance) = ret {
  boot = object.get(compute_instance, "boot_disk", [])
  attached = object.get(compute_instance, "attached_disk", [])
  scratch = object.get(compute_instance, "scratch_disk", [])
  ret = [d | 
    d = array.concat(boot, array.concat(attached, scratch))[_];
    not encrypted(d)

policy[j] {
  instance = compute_instances[_]
  unencrypted_disks = extract_unencrypted_disks(instance)
  count(unencrypted_disks) < 1
  j = fugue.allow_resource(instance)
} {
  instance = compute_instances[_]
  unencrypted_disks = extract_unencrypted_disks(instance)
  count(unencrypted_disks) > 0
  disk_names = [d.device_name | d = unencrypted_disks[_]]
  message = sprintf(base_message, [concat(", ", disk_names)])
  j = fugue.deny_resource_with_message(instance, message)


GUARDRAIL "Compute instance disks should be encrypted with customer-supplied encryption keys"
  WHEN google_compute_instance
    REQUIRE EVERY boot_disk.disk_encryption_key_raw EXISTS
    REQUIRE EVERY attached_disk.disk_encryption_key_raw EXISTS
    REQUIRE EVERY scratch_disk.disk_encryption_key_raw EXISTS


Resourcely helps keep developers shipping fast in a secure fashion, reducing guess work and avoiding incidents that stem from misconfiguration.

Spencer Kimball

CEO/Angel Investor, Cockroach Labs

From reactive to proactive security posture

No more security ops: build a platform for secure-by-default configuration
Terraform generated automatically for your development teams
Create approval workflows for exception requests
Ensure paved roads are enabled for your organization

Scale security best practices

Secure infrastructure configuration, as part of your standard development workflows
Embed security where your engineers already live
Terraform Provider & GUI-based configuration, powerful blueprints, and policy-as-code
Feel confident removing cloud console access

Stop misconfiguration and prevent costly incidents

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